If you like what you see here and would like your story to appear in our zine, submit! Go ahead, don't be shy! Here are a few guidelines you should keep in mind:
This humble zine serves to promote new and unpublished writers. Hopefully
as traffic increases we can pay our writers, but for now, you're on your
own, buddy!
Everything you write is automatically copyright protected, but you may
want to look towards having offical copyright proof (Check out our writers'
links to see how you can do this). With every story, include
a copyright symbol, the year you wrote your piece, followed by your first
and last name.
Please e-mail your submission in plain text form. No more than 5000
words. Type "submission" in the subject heading of your e-mail.
If we decide your submission is perfect for our zine, we will contact you
via e-mail, but be sure to include all sort of contact info attached to
your submission.
A zine is only as good as it writers. So are ya ready? Submit